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Our Services

Health & Wellness Coaching

The client will complete a comprehensive health risk assessment which provides potential areas of focus. During this 12-week program, the coach and client will work together to help the client reach their vision by developing an action plan and setting S.M.A.R.T. goals that will help the client achieve their objectives and overall sense of well-being. A “Wellness Kit” is provided with paid enrollment.  


During the 45-minute follow-up sessions, the coach and client will discuss challenges, successes, and progress made since our last visit. The coach and client will revisit the clients’ vision to see if there are any changes.  We will then review the client’s action plan; review goals set from the prior week, and then establish new goals for the upcoming week(s).


Cost: $500.00


Personal Training

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During this six-week program, the client receives an assessment on current body strengths and weaknesses and will be provided with a customized workout plan. The coach is responsible for motivating and guiding the client to train towards their physical and fitness goal, which could include losing weight, building muscle, increasing core strength or improving cardiovascular fitness, improving posture, flexibility, and endurance. Proper form and mechanics are taught to reduce the risk of injury.  The coach will monitor the clients’ progress on a regular basis.  


Cost: $300.00

Smoking Cessation

During this six-month program, the coach and client collaborate to identify smoking patterns and triggers. Strategies are discussed to help the client handle triggers. We work on ways to help the client handle stress all while forming new behaviors and routines.


Medication is discussed during the intake process. This allows the client to make an educated and informed decision on the best option during the quitting process. At the end of each session, goals are set, and an action plan is created for the client to work on between appointments. A “Quit Kit” is provided with paid enrollment.  


Note: Please allow 1-hour for the initial appointment and 45-minutes for all follow-ups. 


Cost: $450


Prevent T2 - Diabetes Prevention


This 26-week program created by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is for people at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. This lifestyle change program helps client’s lose weight by focusing on nutrition and exercise, thus reducing their risk of developing this chronic disease. Upon enrollment, clients’ receive a personalized caloric & macronutrient chart to follow.  


COST: $800

Freedom of Smoking

This eight-week workshop developed by the American Lung Association (ALA) helps clients learn to break the addiction to nicotine/tobacco.  We focus on stress management techniques, developing a quit plan, avoiding weight gain, creating a new you, and avoiding relapse, and remain nicotine/tobacco free. The workshop is done within a supportive non-judgmental group setting. A “Quit Kit” is provided upon paid enrollment.


Cost: $475.00


Prevent T2 - Diabetes Prevention


This 26-week program created by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is for people at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. This lifestyle change program helps client’s lose weight by focusing on nutrition and exercise, thus reducing their risk of developing this chronic disease. Upon enrollment, clients’ receive a personalized caloric & macronutrient chart to follow.  


COST: $800


Additional Services:


Support groups: Cost - $25 per session


  • Weight Management

  • Smoking Cessation


Workshops: Cost May vary


  • Sleep Health

  • Fitness (Boot Camp)

  • Nutrition

  • Stress Management


And more


FREE Monthly Challenges 

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