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About the Coach

Coach Lesa - Health Educator

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 La Tonya Allen-Brown, a.k.a. “Coach Lesa” received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Central Michigan University. After     seeing first-hand the devastating effects of type 2 diabetes brought on by elevated blood sugar levels La Tonya knew she had     to do something. Upon learning type 2 diabetes is preventable through lifestyle change, she became a CDC National Diabetes   Prevention Program Lifestyle Coach and started, Reflections Health and Wellness Coaching, LLC.


​ Seeing the health challenges people are dealing with, she decided to act. La Tonya studied and received various certifications     to educate people on the importance of nutrition, exercise, and taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. In addition to La Tonya   being a certified lifestyle coach, she also received extensive training and is certified in the following disciplines: Smoking   Cessation - Tobacco Treatment Specialist - Duquesne University, Freedom from Smoking, IN-DEPTH facilitator, and N-O-T (Not on   Tobacco) facilitator - The American Lung Association, Sleep Health Coach – Circadian Corp, Health and Wellness Coach   – Well   coaches Inc./American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and Fitness Coach – Fit Chicks, Ca., and a Certified Nutrition Coach -   National Sports Medicine Academy (NASM).


​ La Tonya meets each client with compassion and dedication, encouraging and motivating them to start each day a new, making small steps, because with each small step is moving you towards your goal. She helps her clients achieve their goal leading   them to a thriving, happy, and healthy life, which is La Tonya's God given purpose and mission in life.


 La Tonya is a woman of faith which is reflective in how she interacts with her clients. As a coach and wanting to see her clients   thrive, she stands on, 3 John 1:2, “Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are healthy in body as you are in spirit.”


 La Tonya has one command she loves to close with and that is, “Be blessed in health.”

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